I. ABA AZIZ MAKAJA (civil name Franjo Milicevic) is the founder and the spiritual head of the following organizations:
(Komaja Meditation School), Gersau/Switzerland (since 1987)
KOMAJA – Gesellschaft für Gesundheit und Erkenntnis
(Komaja Society for Health and Knowledge), Gottmadingen/Germany (since 1988)
KOMAJA – Društvo za razvoj ljubavi i svijesti (Komaja Society for the Development of Love and Consciousness), Zagreb/Croatia (since 1990)
KOMAJAS STERN – Hilfe für Kroatien und Bosnien-Herzegovina (Komaja's Star – Help for Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina), Konstanz/Germany (since 1992)
KOMAJA Stiftung zur Förderung der körperlichen und seelischen Gesundheit (Komaja Foundation for the Promotion of Physical and Psychic Health), Gersau/Switzerland (since 1994)
KOMAJA – Društvo za razvoj na umetnosta na živeenjeto (Komaja Society for the Development of the Art of Life), Skopje/Macedonia (since 1994)
KOMAJA – Društvo za kulturu ljubavi i umeće življenja (Komaja Society for the Culture of Life and the Art of Life), Beograd/Serbia (since 2002)
KOMAJA – Društvo za razvoj na svesta i kulturata na ljubovta (Komaja Society for the Development of Consciousness and the Culture of Love), Ohrid/Macedonia (since 2003)
II. Since 1993 Makaja has regularly taken part in the TV broadcasts of various state-owned and private TV and radio-stations. In addition, he has given interviews and published articles in magazines and newspapers throughout South Slavic countries – since the beginning of the new millennium, he’s done the same Europe-wide. (That is also true for all the leading members of the Komaja Societies in those countries.) Since 1993 until 2011 he can count between 350 and 400 hundred appearances, from articles in the print media such as Süddeutsche Zeitung (Germany), Playboy (Germany), Brigitte (Germany, Switzerland, Austria), Nacional (Croatia), Weltwoche (Switzerland), FHM (Romania and Croatia), Komsomolskaja Pravda (Russia), Globus (Croatia), Connection (Germany), Neue Zürcher Zeitung (Switzerland), Nova Makedonija (Macedonia), Utrinski Vesnik (Macedonia), Profil (Serbia), BH Dani (Bosnia and Herzegovina), and Gloss (Slovenia and Croatia), all the way to scientific magazines. TV-appearances in SF1 (Switzerland), ZDF (Germany), HRT, RTL (Croatia) etc.
III. In the last 36 years Makaja has, as a spiritual teacher, as well as a spiritual psychotherapist and sexologist, given
approx. 25'000 to 30'000 sessions for individuals and couples
over 400 two-weekend courses all around Europe
approx. 30 international Winter Schools (with an average duration of 10 days per school)
approx. 30 international Summer Schools (with an average duration of 14 days per school)
from 1985 up to and including summer, 2011 – 60 international tantric schools (with a duration of 14 days per school).
IV. Since 1993, Makaja has given more than 100 public talks in Croatia, Europe and other countries world-wide. These include talks at several university and scientific congresses (for example the World Congress for Sexual Health in Paris in 2001, Havana in 2003, Sydney in 2007 and Glasgow in 2011).
V. At the beginning of 2003, Makaja’s chief organization, the Swiss Komaja Foundation for the Promotion of Physical and Psychic Health via Komaja-Meditation-Methods was accepted as a member of the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS). This was at the former president of this prestigious scientific institution’s initiative. WAS closely cooperates with the WHO.
VI. During the war in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina (1992-1993), Makaja, with the help of the Komaja Societies abroad and in Croatia, collected huge humanitarian donations and personally escorted the delivery of humanitarian aid to Mostar, Osijek and Zagreb. Included in these shipments were over 100 tons of medicine, medical equipment, furniture and equipment for schools, cars, food, etc. at a total value of approx. 1.3 million EUR. These activities were reported by many media at home and abroad (for example the ZDF and the Neue Zürcher Zeitung).
VII. Additionally, during the same period from 1993, Makaja wrote and published the following books:
- Komaja, 1993
- Molitva za spas (Prayer for Salvation), 1993
- Komaja Agenda, 1994)
- Komaja – die geistige Liebes- und Lebenskunst (Komaja - the Spiritual Art of Life and Love) – German, edited and expanded edition, 1998
- Eros i Logos – Croatian edition, 2000
- Der Erleuchtete Eros – Paradiesische Utopie oder Wirklichkeit? (Enlightened Eros – Paradise-like Utopia or Reality) – German edition, 2003
- Eros and Logos – The Book for Saints and Sinners – English edition, 2003
and several booklets.
VIII. At the end of 2003, Makaja created a financial press award, called “The Character Pen”, the purpose of which was to develop both incorruptible journalism full of character and general democracy. First place was awarded to a journalist from Novi list, second to a journalist from Glas Slavonije, and the third to a Večernji List journalist.
IX. So far, the following have been donated to Makaja, or strictly speaking, to Komaja organizations:
in Germany, a centre for the German Komaja Society – a villa worth approx. 1 million EUR;
in Switzerland, for the Komaja Foundation – a newly built complex of buildings of some 40 meters in length, as well as 22.5 acres of land surrounding it, at a total value of approx. 1,5 million EUR.
In Macedonia, USAID donated a few thousand euros to Makaja’s Love-erotic Therapy for its successful fight against drug addiction. Aside from this, he received support for his LET from the Republic of Macedonia’s Ministry of Youth and Sports. Komaja also received support with a smaller donation from the Catholic Relief Services in the Republic of Macedonia
X. Makaja won the American "Sexual Intelligence Award" in 2004 for being a "South-Slavic Sexual Enlightener".
XI. On the occasion of the 18. World Congress for Sexual Health 2007 in Sydney/Australia, the General Assembly of the World Association for Sexual Health took another three KOMAJA-societies as full members: KOMAJA-society for the Culture of Love, Cologne/DE, KOMAJA-society for the Development of the Art of Living, Skopje/MK, KOMAJA-society for the Development of Love and Consciousness, Zagreb/HR..