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Writer's picture: Guru MakajaGuru Makaja

Meditation: Have you discovered that cohesive force that brings people together, that nourishes them, that makes them stay together for centuries, in a healthy community? Have you, I ask everyone individually, discovered that cohesive force and if you have, have you surrendered your being to it, are you serving it? Are you spontaneous and gentle only with an unknown dog on the street or are you able to love immediately an unknown human being so tenderly and warmly? Have you matured so much on the Tree of Life that you are truly able to imitate Christ's "Love your neighbour as thyself!"? Or is it still some strange, incomprehensible formula for you? This strongest force of the universe, this supreme cohesive force, resides in the chest in the human being, it manifests itself through the chest. When you fall in love, when you rejoice, when you empathize, you always have a sensation in your chest. In the heart chakra, in the chest, for the first time you have the opportunity to truly meet another human being, truly meet a dog, truly meet an angel. For the first time you have the opportunity to experience directly the true nature of your guru. Only at the level of the chest, it means when there is no more cramping of energy in your everyday life at any lower level. Everything is flowing, everything is conscious. Your desire for higher love, for higher joy has become so strong that the focus of your life force hardly falls below the level of your heart. Then you begin to grow in spirit. C. G. Jung says, then individuation begins. Suzuki says, that's when your birth begins. Only then! Until then, you are unconscious, soul-organic machines, it could almost be said that you are until this moment not even existing. You only think that you are, that you have someone of your own, but only in the heart does the real meeting begin – with yourself and with others. Until we know this great secret of life, we practice radiating love, joy, every good, to everyone around us. To radiate love, as if we have a small sun in the centre of our chest: its light and warmth radiate everywhere, equally to all the stars. Radiate love completely! Chests always full, strong, filled with love. We avoid thoughts and feelings that take away that fullness in our chest. We avoid such physical actions and such words. And we radiate more and more, like some suns. Someone practices the piano, someone practices water polo, and someone practices the radiation of love from their chests - like the sun, equally, equally perfect, in complete oblivion of yourself. To forget ourselves in order to be love for everyone around us, like Jesus, Buddha, Milarepa and all the others. Let's open our hearts! (…)


Pula 2024 (in preparation)

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Jesi li ti otkrio tu kohezijsku silu koja spaja ljude, koja ih hrani, koja čini da stoljećima ostaju zajedno, u zdravom zajedništvu? Jesi li ti, pitam svakoga ponaosob, otkrila, jesi li ti otkrio, tu kohezijsku silu i ako jesi, jesi li joj izručio svoje biće, služiš li joj? Jesi li spontan i nježan samo s nepoznatim psom na cesti ili si u stanju odmah tako nježno i toplo voljeti i nepoznato ljudsko biće? Jesi li toliko sazrio na stablu života da si uistinu u stanju nasljedovati Kristovo „Ljubi bližnjega svoga kao samoga sebe!“? Ili je to za tebe još uvijek neka čudna, nerazumljiva formula? Ova najjača sila svemira, ta vrhovna kohezijska sila, u ljudskom biću stanuje u grudima, manifestira se kroz grudi. Kad se zaljubite, kad se radujete, kad suosjećate uvijek u grudima imate senzaciju. U čakri srca, u grudima, prvi put imate priliku uistinu susresti drugo ljudsko biće, uistinu susresti psa, uistinu susresti anđela. Prvi put imate priliku doživjeti neposredno pravu prirodu svog gurua. Tek na razini grudi, to znači kad više u vašoj svakodnevici nema grčenja energije na bilo kojoj nižoj razini. Sve je protočno, sve je osviješteno. Vaša želja za višom ljubavlju, za višom radošću postala je toliko jaka da fokus vaše životne sile više gotovo da i ne pada ispod razine srca. Tad počinjete rasti u duhu. C.G. Jung kaže, tada počinje individuacija. Suzuki kaže, tada počinje vaše rađanje. Tek tada! Dotad ste nesvjesni, duševno-organski strojevi, gotovo bi se moglo reći da vas dotad i nema. Vi samo mislite da jeste, da imate neko svoje sebe, ali tek u srcu počinje pravi susret – sa sobom i s drugima. Sve dok ne spoznamo tu veliku tajnu života vježbamo se zračiti ljubav, radost, svako dobro, svakome oko sebe. Zračiti ljubav, kao da imamo neko malo sunce u središtu grudi: njegova svjetlost i toplina zrače posvuda, svim zvijezdama jednako. Potpuno zračiti ljubav! Grudi uvijek pune, snažne, ispunjene ljubavlju. Izbjegavamo misli i osjećaje koji nam oduzimaju tu puninu u grudima. Izbjegavamo i takve fizičke akcije i takve riječi. I zračimo sve više, kao neka sunca. Netko trenira glasovir, netko trenira vaterpolo, a netko trenira zračenje ljubavi iz grudi – poput sunca, svima jednako, jednako savršeno, u potpunom zaboravu sebe. Zaboraviti sebe da bismo bili ljubav za sve oko sebe, poput Isusa, Bude, Milarepe i svih ostalih. Otvorimo srca! (…)


Pula 2024. (Izdanje u pripremi)


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