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Writer's picture: Guru MakajaGuru Makaja

Guru Makaja`s Meditation

On the occasion of our double jubilee

Ližnjan, August 2023


Ramakrishna said: “Meditation is intense thinking on God.”

I would say: “Meditation is complete surrender or intense surrender to God.”

Surrender is much, much bigger than thinking. Surrender even includes the thought, the mental sphere, but also the emotional sphere, also the will powers.

So, meditation is intense surrender to the Divine Creator.

So, please – surrender!

Meditation is personal, individual. It is for my benefit, for my spiritual realisation – and through this spiritualisation also for the benefit of the world around me: of my family, friends and neighbours. But primary, meditation is the spiritualisation of myself. It is personal – between me and God. It has nothing to do with the Guru or Dalai Lama or Pope. It is me: I want to connect with the Divine Creator! I pray to be dissolved completely in the Ocean of the Divine Love and Light!

So, we pray for God’s Grace!

It is personal, it is for you and me.

But of course, how can somebody pray for God’s Grace, for his or her soul and body if he or she is not following a daily discipline and daily training? So, you cannot make jokes with the Divine Creator. Without complete respect nothing is possible. So, I do my best for this physical body: food, sleeping, being active, carefully choosing society, much more carefully choosing the sexual partner or partners, choosing movies, choosing music, choosing books, choosing places.

In order to meet Heavenly Beings, to receive the Grace from this Beings we do everything: we surrender from morning until the evening, not only during meditation. So, everything is becoming a prayer: cleaning, driving the car, preparing food … everything is prayer.

And if some doubts sometimes are coming, you have just to remember Holy Klara or Anandamayi Ma or Mirabai, Tereza from Avila, Jesus, Buddha, Milarepa, Lao Tse…there are so many role models and so many spiritual systems. Our beautiful role models, our supporters!

Again and again, you are losing your doubts. It is enough to imagine some picture of Jesus or Buddha or Ramana Maharshi. Even imagining this picture, imagining his or her life for decades in complete service to the mankind, in complete service to every human being, and you are immediately becoming the same.

Just open your chest! Like the sun in the middle of your chest. And channel for the people around you like Jesus did! Just allow the radiation of this blissful, divine energy through your chest and through your whole aura – in every contact, with every human being! Just let it flow through your body and soul! And everything will be transformed: some Ashram will happen; some beautiful community; some new blessed place on the Planet Earth through you personally. Just allow the blessings through your heart, even through your heart!

And never forget: Together we are much, much stronger! Stay together! Stay connected! Help me to strengthen this Komaja Community! Even the evil forces, even the evil human beings are coming together to make war, to make criminal. So, how can you build a better world without also coming together?! Stay connected please! Everyone of us, including me, is growing much, much faster in the community.

Milarepa made a community. Jesus made a community. Buddha made a community. Holy Francesco from Assisi made a community. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother made a community.

Stay together! Stay connected! Grow together! It is the law of the Divine Creator for us Human Beings.

So, we pray together, and we share the blessings through our chest to make it possible for the Divine Beings to give the blessings for all human beings.

You see, the divine world is weak on this planet. The divine world has not enough surrendered human beings, to make service, to make sacrifice, to make divine joy and beauty.

So, that is the reason why the Divine is only limitedly present in our mankind: There are simply not enough channels, not enough purified and surrendered channels. They wait on us, on our help and support like I am waiting on you. We are all connected. That is the matrix of the Divine Creator. We can be happy with this fact, or we can be angry or sad. But he created the world, he created the mankind like this. He wants that we participate with our free will, that we pray for the Grace for every human being in our neighbourhood. He just wants to have us like this.

So, we follow! We give us! We give ourselves completely!

Even Jesus said: „Not my will, your will has to be God!“ Not my love, Your love has to be through my body and through my soul. So, we pray for your Grace!

And I pray even for my enemies.

So, we pray all together for all this people in Ukraine – for all this Ukrainian people as well as for all this Russian people. We pray for Peace! Peace and harmony! And for Grace overall. For Grace… Please!

Please, use us to stop this war! Spread your Divine Powers through our souls which are ready to die for your world! And even to live for your world. So, use our surrender! We are ready for your siddhis, for your heavenly powers to change the situation in Ukraine!


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