The zajedna is the closest permanent life community composed of at least two human beings. All members of the zajedna are open to receiving new members at any time, under the same conditions, if love happens between one of the existing members and a new person. In contradistinction to the community of marriage which is based on satisfying the sex drive and the bearing and raising of children, the zajedna is primarily based on satisfying the spiritual and psychic needs of its members. By this very definition, sexual intercourse between the members is not a compulsory element of the zajedna. Yet, a member of the zajedna who does not have sexual intercourse with any other member, has no right to sexual intercourse outside the zajedna. In the situation where a particular woman and a particular man living in a bigger zajedna have children, all the other men and women have the duty to treat the children as if they were their own. They have to bring them up, however, in line with the will and instructions of their blood parents. Leaving a zajedna is treated as serious divergence from ones spiritual focus.
(The term zajedna, from the Croatian zajedno [together, mutual, with each other, or "za jedno" - for the One], is a new creation of Aba Aziz Makaja and has been adopted into English.)
We, Komajas, consider the zajedna a better and more appropriate institution for the great majority of people than the institution of civil marriage. At this point we would like to stress that we only partially accept the term of group marriage, which has been forced on us by some journalists and intellectuals, and we’ve only done that to make its essence more easily understood.
Suppose that a particular form of incestuous, polygamous chaos prevailed in the first human community, that then the closest permanent union of the human society developed into a regulated, patriarchal, polygamous community with Christian/Moses or Islamic/Mohammedan archetypical ideals. Suppose that then, due to further developments in human consciousness, this form has been pushed away by Christian, Hindu and other marriages between one man and one woman, we have to state that Makaja – in our time, after the total disaster of the present so-called “monogamous marriage” – inaugurated and successfully realized a new archetype, the zajedna, twenty years ago. The zajedna, which is so far superior to the sexist concepts of Moses and Mohammed as well as to the planetary monogamous marriage-abortion, is not a further development of the marriage-formula.
The zajedna is the transcendence not only of Moses’ patriarchal, sexist meanderings, but also of the bourgeois equality in marriage-illusions and post-marriage court trials.
Makaja’s zajedna is the new formula: it is precisely this archetypical nucleus for which humanity is searching and to which it has been developing step by step from its origin until now!
Thus, the term „marriage“, since that only represents one phase in the development of society’s fundamental unit towards zajedna, can in no way be the general term for the zajedna.
Makaja’s zajedna is:
a new, higher dimension of love-erotic life
a new, higher dimension of family as the basic unit of society
a new, higher dimension of sexual health and prosperity
a new, higher dimension of human freedom and human rights
and as such it marks and enables the turning point in the evolution of human spirit, consciousness and virtue!
"When you live alone, you are only burdened by your own faults! When you live with others – also theirs! When you live alone you long for love. When you live with others, you revive yourself with love! And marriage – marriage is the front court, but also the check point for the entrance into paradise! O woman! O man! As long as you have not achieved the impeccable with one person, all joys of the zajedna and of paradise will remain unattainable to you!"
Aba Aziz Makaja, Komaja Agenda 1995-2000
(with Spiritual Names and Aphorisms in German and Croatian Languages), Zagreb/Konstanz 1994